What is Meniere’s Disease?
About Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s Disease is a condition affecting the inner ear, characterised by potentially severe and incapacitating episodes of vertigo known as drop attacks. Sufferers also experience tinnitus, a feeling of fullness in the ear and hearing loss; generally it will only affect one side but can move to affect both.
If you would like to read more in detail about Meniere's Disease and related illnesses, click here.
Current Advice about Meniere’s Disease
The current advice for managing symptoms includes dietary changes, and medications to try and influence fluid levels in the ears. However there is mixed success with these treatments and no widely agreed upon long term fix.
In our clinic we have seen an increasing number of meniere’s disease patients.
The upper cervical spine is an important area to assess when considering vestibular issues. Due to the location of the area of the nervous system responsible for controlling the inner ear being very close to the upper cervical spine, the position of the top bones in the neck can influence how this area operates. Interference with this area of the nervous system can give rise to symptoms manifesting relating to the ears. To find out more, take a look at our blog post about ear function here.
In relation to the balance and vertigo issues seen in Meniere’s disease there are multiple influential areas involved at the upper neck that can cause dizziness including muscular and vascular structures. To learn more, check out this blog post about balance issues..
Effects of Care for Meniere’s Disease
The first change many of our meniere’s patients see is usually a reduction in the drop attacks. This can be a reduction in duration, intensity, or frequency, and sometimes a combination of these.
The ear symptoms are normally the next change that is noted. This is usually a change in the feeling of fullness in the ear; sometimes it will feel or sound like fluid is moving within the ear. After this the pressure feeling tends to reduce which is often a relief for people.
So what about tinnitus? The responsiveness of tinnitus depends on how long it has been present for. What is usually noted first is a reduction in volume or change in pitch of the tinnitus, this again is often relieving for the patient especially if the tinnitus has been particularly loud. Tinnitus can persist longer than some of the other symptoms however it can resolve over time as we continue to maintain the health of the upper cervical spine and the nervous system by making specific chiropractic adjustments when necessary.
Read more about Meniere's Disease here.
If you or someone you know is struggling with Meniere’s Disease why not book a complimentary consultation call with us to find out how we can help.
Book a 15 minute Discovery Call with us now!