Pillars of Health and Upper Cervical Chiropractic!

What do we mean by Pillars of health and how does this tie in with Upper Cervical Chiropractic? February brings about an focus and awareness on our health and wellbeing.. Everyone knows someone with health ...

Measures of Adaptability – Heart Rate Variability

How do we measure adaptability? Measuring heart function has long been used as an assessment of autonomic activity in the body. Heart rate is the simplest and most widely used measure of cardiac function, in ...

The Vagus Nerve (CN X) – The Positive Effects of Upper Cervical Chiropractic

What Is The  Vagus Nerve? The vagus nerve is sometimes described as the wandering nerve as it is the longest cranial nerve. It runs from the brainstem all the way down to part of the ...

Health Problems? 5 Things you can implement NOW if you are having them!

5 Things You Need To Do To Build Your Resilience To Dis-ease. Everyone knows someone with health problems a chronic disease/illness. To increase resilience to dis-ease, chiropractors focus on analysing the nervous system and, when ...