Why Do Chiropractors Provide Maintenance Care?
Here at Top Chiropractic, most of our clients choose to continue with us on a monthly maintenance care schedule, following their initial phase of care. This blog will dive into why our clients choose to do this and why maintenance care is not just about maintaining progress but also working towards continuous improvement of your health and well-being.
What Does Maintenance Care Mean?
As you transition from your initial phase of care, it's essential to understand what maintenance care truly means. Think of it as the ongoing support your body needs to maintain the upward health trajectory achieved during the initial care phase.
Drawing a parallel to car maintenance, consider the analogy: an MOT reveals problems, fixes them, but waiting until the next MOT or when the car breaks down often leads to whole host of different issues. On the contrary, regular servicing keeps the vehicle functioning optimally, with mechanics addressing potential problems throughout the year. Keeping your car functioning optimally and running smoothly. Maintenance chiropractic care operates the same; however, it demands more frequent attention as our bodies operate 24/7.
It is important to know that maintenance care isn’t about staying the same. It is about keeping on top of the health of your spine and nervous system, improving your body; month in and month out to prevent returning to that same state that brought you to us.
However, this is not a guarantee. Being under chiropractic maintenance care does not make all your problems go away. It just helps you keep the upper hand, as you keep moving throughout life, putting you in the best position to fight what’s to come!
Am I Suitable For Maintenance Care?
At the end of your initial phase of care, on the progress report appointment, we will give you our best recommendation and advise you on whether maintenance care is suitable for you at this stage.
Chiropractic maintenance care is used in the management of all sorts of conditions, as it seeks to preserve proper function and keep you living your best life. At the end of the blog you will see how maintenance chiropractic care helps people in many different ways!
What Does A Maintenance Care Schedule Look Like And How Much Does It Cost?
At Top Chiropractic, all our clients who come in for maintenance care are part of a special membership program.
This membership program offers monthly or two-monthly appointments, at a discounted price, as well as regular progress exams every 6 months. This allows us to consistently track your progress and tailor our approach to best support you through your life.
Our monthly program costs £97 per month (a monthly check for a non-members cost £120) and includes one appointment each month at a time of your choosing. We also offer a two monthly program which costs £43.50 per month, for one appointment every two months.
These membership options are available to you after your initial phase of care and can be set up from the front desk by any member of our team.
What Are The Perks Of Membership?
In addition to cost savings, our membership program provides other advantages such as reduced rates for CBCT scans. This ensures that unforeseen accidents or traumas can be addressed promptly, with a new scan and it’s analysis available for just £100 and bookable on the same day as your appointment.
Hear From Our Team On Why They Regularly Receive Maintenance Care
Each member of our team wrote about why they have made maintenance chiropractic care an important part of their busy schedule.
Dr Christian (Upper Cervical Chiropractor):
“The reason that I receive regular maintenance care is because, it gives me clarity to make my best decisions. When my spine and nervous system are working free of interference, I know I will be able to function and perform physically and mentally at my best, in every aspect of life.”
Dr Luke (Upper Cervical Chiropractor):
“Regular Chiropractic care gives me peace of mind. Each month, Chiropractic helps me make sure that my spine and nervous system is functioning at its full potential. This means that I worry less about the stresses, illnesses, and issues of everyday life as I know my body is in its best state to deal with it naturally. As a habitual health overthinker and worrier, this has really helped change my outlook on life!”
Dr Elliott (Upper Cervical Chiropractor):
“As someone who loves to lift heavy weights in the gym, I put my spine and nervous system through a lot of stress multiple times per week. Regular monthly upper cervical chiropractic care helps my body better adapt to this stress, and helps my recovery, so I can perform at my best.”
Krysten (Former client and Chiropractic Practice Manager):
“I receive regular maintenance care because it has made such a difference in how I feel. Neurologically, it has helped get me out of a constant state of fight or flight and I now feel peaceful and calm. Physically, it has helped keep pain at bay so I can function at my best. I feel so much younger and stronger because of regular upper cervical care. It is the best thing that has happened to my life.”
Vee (Chiropractic Assistant and Student):
“Initially, I trialled chiropractic care to help my intense headaches and persistent fatigue/low energy. Since being under care my headaches have gone and my energy levels have increased! So, I choose to stay under care to make sure my body is healthy, and I am helping it work at its best, month after month!”
What Do I Do Now?
If you are an existing or past client interested in membership and chiropractic maintenance care, please get into contact with any member of our team over email/phone or on your next appointment. And if you know someone who could benefit from starting chiropractic care, please send them this link so they can schedule a free discovery call to discuss their case with Dr. Luke!
Learn More About Chiropractic!
Migraines - here
Cervicogenic Headaches - here
Child Speech Delay - here
Meniere’s Disease - here
Brain Fog - here
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD) - here
Whiplash and Whiplash-Associated Disorder - here
Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome - here
Long Covid - here
Parkinson’s Disease – here
Tinnitus - here
Dystonia - here
Craniocervical (Upper Cervical) Instability - here
Dizziness - here
Epilepsy - here
Ear Problems - here
Dysautonomia - here
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) - here
Mental Health Issues - here
Seizures - here
Cluster Headaches - here
Bells Palsy - here
Multiple Sclerosis - here
Trigeminal Neuralgia - here
CSF Flow - here
Vagus Nerve - here
Chiropractic Philosophy - here
Digital Content and the Brain - here
Cerebrospinal Fluid - here